Tag Archives: Abercrombie & Fitch

Brand wars: Jersey Shore vs Abercrombie & Fitch. Round 1

19 Aug

Boxing round 1 card girlWhen Abercrombie & Fitch offered to pay the members of that trashy show Jersey Shore NOT to wear their gear, it was the first punch in what should shape up to be a tasty brand scrap.

A&F complains that the reality show is “contrary to the aspirational nature of the brand” (more on that) and that their brand is undermined by appearing in the series.

Interesting area.

First off, who the eff do they think they’re kidding. Didn’t A&F sell their clothes last year with JS branding on them?

Secondly, a brand is not defined by who uses it. The brand helps define the user.

Consider Apple. If only smart geeks in jeans with all their hair were encouraged to buy a Mac, what would their market share be? That’s what aspiration is all about. People aspire to be as cool and casual as Justin Long, but that’s the market’s aspiration, not the brand’s.

Brands aren’t aspirational. They’re fixed.

The real issue here seems to be that the Jersey Shore brand is stronger than the Abercrombie & Fitch brand and that’s why they’re whining.

You can expect those fake and bake Jersey Shore actors to be covering themselves in A&F gear just to torment them. First round to Jersey Shore.

Rob Denault

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